Mediterranean Faces
Andreas Karayan and Ezmat Dawestashy at Omicron
This exciting exhibition closes tomorrow so do hurry.
It has been organised by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and has previously been shown at the Bibliotheca
Karayan writes of these paintings.
"Ten years ago I came to Alexandria with Niki Marangou as a guest artist at the ‘Cavafia’ to celebrate the
memory of the poet Cavafis. One night as I was walking in the streets of Alex admiring the magnificent buildings and enjoying
the gentle sea breeze a great desire fell upon me to come, live and work in this city
It all began last December when I exhibited some of my work at the biennale of Cairo. My good friend Mohamed Elsaadari
invited me to visit him in Alexandria, his native city. The decisive point for this show was my meeting with Dr Mohamed Awad
at the impressive Bibliotheca Alexandrina and our common interest in the Hellenistic Heritage and the Alexandrian dream
Ezmat Dawestashy was born in Alexandria on March 14, 1943
He graduated with honours in Sculpture from the Alexandria Faculty of Fine Arts in 1967 and two years later established
the ‘Gamaet Eltahawul’.
Since 1962 he has participated in several group exhibits and has held 60 private exhibitions of his paintings, plus several
photographic exhibitions. The Ministry of Culture awarded Dawestashy the State Fellowship for Creative Artists in1996.
You will all be familiar with Karayan’s sensitive portraits, capturing character with such acute observation, and
his gift for excellent brushwork.
Dawestashy’s paintings are a great surprise. These are completely new to me and I was bowled over. Brilliant. For
some reason or other I expect the island’s figurative artists to now take more than a second glance at our superb icons
when they tackle a Cypriot face.
Greening the
Burnt Areas
A very special group exhibition at Tehnis Dromena, Old Strovolos, organised by the Cyprus Green Party which will continue
until December 23, with donations going to reforestation.
The wonderful art exhibition at Diachroniki, staged with the cooperation of the Anti-Cancer Society and Gavin Jones, (son
of Thraki), continues until December 31.
Included in this exhibition are 20 paintings of Thraki Rossidou Jones offered by her son, Gavin.
Half the proceeds go to the Arodafnousa Foundation and the Friends Hospice of Paphos.
Kypriaki Gonia, Larnaca have a seasonal mixed group exhibition of over 30 artists which continues until the January 5,
The Apocalypse Mixed Xmas exhibition will continue until January 12.
Zenon Jepras continues at Morfi Gallery, Limassol until January 10.
Check with coming events for other exhibitions continuing into the New Year.
Maria Loizidou Argo Gallery
A superb exhibition by our most tenacious installationist. Outstanding work.
The excellent exhibition of works by Michael Flynn continues at Orpheus Gallery, Limassol until December 31. Superb ceramics
Arms and Armours from the collection of Constantine Emilianides and Michael Kouloumbris will continue at the Leventis Municipal
Museum of Nicosia’s Temporary Exhibition hall until March 30, 2008
To Dress – Towards a Costume Culture Museum at Evagoras Lamitis Centre, Carob Mill, Limassol. Until January 27, 2008.
INSTALLATIONS: Self Other, Maria Loizidou at Argo.
HAPPPY XMAS: Glyn Hughes is on at Gloria’s until December 28.
BRILLIANT: Dawestashy on at Omicron Gallery until December 22 (tomorrow).