And did those feet?
By Glyn Hughes
WELL, whoever can? With art galleries being closed for the summer holidays and the heat rising every day I started looking
for a pair of light shoes and ended up with two.
Spike (who has a Welsh accent), at 18a Onasagorou Street, Nicosia had the blinds drawn to keep out the blazing near-noon
sun but the place was still as bright as an afternoon on the beach. The shoes however were surviving.
A marching array of beauties of all kinds.
Lots of sole.
There were enough contemporary styles to make all those one-person shows in art galleries very envious and as for the mixed
exhibitions? Easily the best in town.
The Power House? Get walking.
The shoes at Spikes’ although of a tremendous array of individuality all walked together.
These shoes were made for talking -about.
It was as if EKATE (Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts) were on the march.
Horns with agility. Laces for getting knotted. Heels divine, males too.
Marvellous small sculptures they were and always in pairs.
A couple of Michelangelo’s David’s barefoot sandals for toddlers would not have been amiss.
A rainbow of flip flops.
Raspberry silk lined, delicately spiked running shoes. Sometimes the arrangements went their own way.
A glossy female pump appeared to be chasing a dark Olympic sprinter. A rich brown leather pair had an array of incisions.
Neat and exciting, Here texture was out for the day Flowers suddenly sprouted.
A garden below the ankle. Wedges had been shaped as if Anthony Gormley was entering the Curving Olympics. Surrounds of
slippers had stories to tell as if Cinderella was having a ball. Art on the move. Brilliant.